photo update of Berlin, Warsaw and Newcastle
Door: Marije
Blijf op de hoogte en volg Marije
18 April 2007 | Nederland, Dordrecht
The next day was an afternoon off in Berlin, where I had a meet and greet with my good friend Sabine. As it was Saturday she didn't need to work. Instead of sightseeing (I did already twice last summer) we called it a lazy afternoon. We went to the city beach, dropped in a beach chair and didn't move for the next few hours. We ate ice creams, enjoyed the hot sun and spent the afternoon talking about our lives and what happened lately. We slowly started to walk again, crossed the Brandenburger Tor and at the Museum island I was in for another relaxing half an hour. As I was so tired of the wake up calls between 3 and 3.30 am,I couldn't decide if I wanted to sit down, I would fall asleep, or that I wanted to walk, too tired for walking... So we stopped at a nice area and sat down in the grass for a while, like all the others around us. It was crowded! I tried to look if I could find Taylor, who was in Berlin as well, but I didn´t see him that day. We ended up in this very nice Vietnamese restaurant where we had been before. But that was the end for me, 6 pm, I had to go to bed....
Due to the time difference the next morning my working day already ended at 9 am in Newcastle... Before you all start to shout how lazy this job is, just remember that I already started that morning at 3.30 am again! Arriving at the hotel we first took a nice nap, before I went sightseeing with a colleague in this small but pretty city.
To give you some impressions of these nice European cities, I uploaded some pictures.
Tomorrow I'm heading for Helsinki again, with the difference that the next day I´ve got some time off. Unfortunately I will arrive very late that same evening in Milan, so no time for sightseeing over there. The following days, I will depart from Amsterdam and will arrive the same day there as well. But that´s ok, it will give me the change to get used to the new apartment that I move into tomorrow. Looking forward to that!
Enjoy the pics!
18 April 2007 - 19:16
Lieve Marije, je bent echt een wereld reiziger!!! Veel plezier in je nieuwe appartement! Veel liefs Barbara -
18 April 2007 - 20:11
Hoi Marije,
Jij komt zo nog eens ergens! Kan me voorstellen dat het erg vermoeiend is, maar je krijgt er ook veel voor terug moet je maar denken. Leuk dat we zo mee kunnen beleven wat je allemaal tegenkomt onderweg!
Heel veel groeten, ook namens Silvester. -
19 April 2007 - 09:14
Succes met verhuizen!! x -
19 April 2007 - 13:03
Marije Airways!!! eindelijk echt genieten en aan het werk na die drukke stress studie weken he!
En nu maar zorgen dat je je snel thuis voelt in je nieuwe huisie!!
Wil je je adres een keertje mailen?
Liefs Marleen -
19 April 2007 - 15:21
Hey, I remember that big bridge. Can't wait to see all your other photos once we get a chance to catch up. -
20 April 2007 - 14:58
Ziet er kicken uit......echt tof voor jou deze dingetjes....geniet ervan....liefs, isabelle -
22 April 2007 - 00:14
salut sabine ça va -
22 April 2007 - 20:14
Debby FAO:
Jeemig Marij! Door al jou geweldige verhalen komt mijn droom ook een beetje uit. Nu zie ik tenminste door jou ogen veel en veel meer van de wereld.
Zal snel antwoorden op je mail!
Liefs en weet je al hoe je je huis gaat inrichten??
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