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Recente Reisverslagen:

22 December 2006

afscheid is niet fijn

16 December 2006

nog 12 nachtjes slapen....

10 December 2006

Glühwein & Apfelstrüdel

08 December 2006

Ladies night

03 December 2006

3,5 weeks and counting.....

A short summary in english: After my studies I worked as a junior productmanager for a couple of years. Although I like marketing and consumer behaviour a lot, I got fed up with the idea that everything is about the money. Next to that I wanted to explore the world ever since I was a little kid and finally realized it was now or never. So I quit my job, worked for 2 years as a touristrepresentative in the South of Europe and had the time of my life... That's where this blog started, you can read about my Fuerteventura adventures. In 2006, I tried an office job again, back in Holland, but it turned out that that is absolutely not my thing anymore... So again I quit and thought it would be a good idea to travel, before starting something new. Nothing to think about, letting go of everything and just living by the moment. Thailand was great! And now? A new experience as flight attendant at KLM! Flying blue...

Actief sinds 30 Nov. -0001
Verslag gelezen:
Totaal aantal bezoekers 416543

Voorgaande reizen:

14 Februari 2007 - 07 Februari 2020

flying blue

26 December 2006 - 03 Februari 2007

traveling in Thailand

16 Januari 2006 - 25 December 2006


04 December 2004 - 15 Januari 2006

Fuert aventura

Landen bezocht: